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 Responsibilities - Bespoke Hotels Skip to content
Reservations 0330 094 5918

Corporate Responsibilities

Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement

This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Bespoke Hotels maintains written policies and procedures to ensure modern slavery and human trafficking are not occurring in our business and crucially within our supply chain.

Gender Pay Gap

Bespoke Hotels and its employees are fully committed to the pursuit of equal opportunities and equal treatment in the workplace. We are therefore committed to publish annual reports into the differences between the average earnings of men and women across our organisation.

We are pleased to have demonstrated a positive change in the past year, particularly in regards to bonus pay calculations. Equal pay is a long established principle in the UK and within Bespoke Hotels men and women are paid equally when occupying the same role.

While our gender pay gap is significantly below the national average, we recognise the scope for improvement and are committed to do more. This includes reassessing our training programmes, as well as proactively expanding our staff development programme and apprenticeship schemes.

Accessibility Manifesto

We endeavour to design hotels where all of our guests can feel comfortable, relaxed, welcome, and happy. We prioritise accessibility in all our new-build properties, as well as emphasising it as much as possible in our historic sites.

As such, we are constantly improving the standard of what we can offer, designing solutions that minimise self-consciousness, maximise discretion, and provide a stylish alternative to the overly-medicalised rooms of the past.

Corporate Social Responsibility

At Bespoke Hotels, our people are our biggest asset. We focus on their engagement, environment and individual development, working with their natural strengths, supporting their local communities, and enabling their education from a commercial perspective.

Pathways are created so our people know the direction their careers will head, as well as the imprint they will leave behind. We are committed to and pursue environmental sustainability wherever possible, working in a way that is both ethical and environmentally-conscious. Alongside this, we both support and administer a number of charitable initiatives, across the UK and internationally.

Above all, we believe great hospitality can only be delivered by a happy engaged team, so this is at the heart of our culture.